97. NEW RELEASE: Circuitnoise - coronal loops of noise - core , published on: 10.12.2018 by the editorial office |
Circuitnoise - coronal loops of noise - core
This time Circuitnoise explores the coronal loops of the sun. The magnetic flux within the solar body gets twisted and mangled and create these giant loops. These loops of fire are emitting electromagnetic pulses, which could be recorded by radio telescopes all over the world.
On the search for new sounds Circuitnoise uses the electromagnetic sounds of the sun and combine them with electromagn...
96. NEW RELEASE: Dead Voices On Air - Flojt, published on: 05.09.2016 by the editorial office |
It' done!! Dead Voices On Air's brandnew album "Flojt" is released!!
This is a full length cassette album, also available as a download. Handmade sleeve, tracing paper, jute, label with handmade art card in envelope. Pre-release sales details will be announced very shortly.
Flojt is a tape release.
It is music, of sorts.
It is collage.
It is not a collage.
It is accidental.
It is entirely planned, in great detail.
It is wha...
95. NEW RELEASE: NOBODISOUNDZ - TRACKS TO NOWHERE, published on: 15.08.2016 by the editorial office |
" Tracks to nowhere " is an album where we are immersed in the imaginary and sound vision of a motionless traveler.
This journey built itself from field recordings recorded in the landscape around me and analogic ambient sounds. All is manipulated to create a new landscape, laminated and polyphonic.
This vision was increased by the meeting with the movie of Charles de Meaux Marfa Mystery Lights – A Concert for the UFO’s (fea...
94. NEW RELEASE: MY EYES GROW DARKER - FM DEATH RADIO, published on: 15.12.2014 by the editorial office |
MY EYES GROW DARKER is the one man side-project of [basementgrrr] aka Ralf and was born in the beginning of 2014.
Due to the excitement of modular synths and building his own electronic devices, he started this project to dig deeper into the world of experimental electronics and improvisation.
Influenced by bands like PAN SONIC, THROBBING GRISTLE, LE MODERNISTE and early industrial from the 80s, he decided to change his own procedure of mak...